by Laura Lee | Jun 6, 2020 | Design, Featured Slider, Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, Plants

If spring of 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that outdoor spaces are a saving grace.  Public gardens are an especially wonderful escape, not only for visitors but professionals as well. With travel restrictions lifting, public gardens are reopening all across the South, so you can take along the kids while finding some inspiration for your own landscaping and design projects. Here are a few of our favorites, starting with: 

Alabama’s Bellingrath Gardens & Home

This 65-acre estate on Mobile Bay’s Fowl River has been opened to the public since the Great Depression. Mobile Coca-Cola Company President Walter Bellingrath and his wife Bessie placed an ad in the paper inviting anyone who’d like to see their gardens to come free of charge. After an overwhelming response, they decided to open their gardens permanently in 1932.

After Bessie died, Walter dedicated the gardens to the community in her honor. 

“These gardens in all their beauty represent her, and must be maintained as a fitting and permanent memorial to her, in the charitable, religious and educational uses to which they are dedicated,” he lovingly bequeathed. Read Full Article