Posted: Jul 16, 2020 / 06:28 PM CDT
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WKRG) — The state of Alabama appropriated $1 million to the Alabama Historical Commission to preserve the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to enter the U.S. in 1860.
In the fiscal year 2021 budget, the State of Alabama through the Governor and Alabama State Legislature appropriated $1 million to the Alabama Historical Commission to begin Phase 3 of preservation efforts for the Clotilda. This phase includes targeted artifact excavation with industrial dive efforts supporting environmental and structural assessment of the site and an engineering study of the riverbed to inform stability. The environmental study will examine the composition of the sediment around the wreck, monitor water movement, and contain a biological review of the species that have colonized the wreck area. A structural assessment will appraise the level of deterioration and condition of the wood, creating an evidence-based plan for long term preservation. Finally, the engineering study will evaluate what is needed for site protection as well as the integrity of the riverbed for consideration of erecting a memorial on site. Read Full Story