Fall weather calls for outdoor adventures while enjoying the cooler, breezy days of the season in Mobile. Whether you spend the afternoon strolling through parks, squares and historic districts, exploring Mobile through a tour or museum, or spending your evening listening to the ghostly haunts of Mobile, the adventures you experience in Mobile are sure to be unforgettable!

  • Birding
    Flock to Mobile to experience one of America’s prime birdwatching opportunities during Coastal BirdFest September 28 - October 1. Most people think of fall as being a colorful season, as leaves change colors and fall from trees. But here in the Deep South, the colors start to land IN the trees in the fall, as thousands of colorful, neotropical birds stop throughout Mobile before making the flight across the Gulf of Mexico to their wintering grounds, which are about 600 miles away on the Yucatan Peninsula. Register today!

  • See the changing fall foliage by foot or boat
    Fall is all about scenic beauty, right? Well, there’s no better place to take it all in than exploring America’s Amazon. From kayaks, canoes, or airboats to trails, there are numerous ways to get up close and personal with the changing fall foliage and local wildlife!

  • Visit the nation’s largest outdoor cascading mums show
    Mum’s the word in November at Bellingrath Gardens and Home, when the Gardens are decorated for the 59th annual Fall Outdoor Cascading Chrysanthemums display! Hundreds of colorful, four-foot-long cascades of chrysanthemums are hung on bridges and balconies and set out in topiaries, baskets and containers throughout the Gardens. Guests may also view thousands of mums in the flower beds in the fall colors of yellow, red, bronze, lavender and white.

  • Tour Mobile
    By foot, trolly, boat or scooter, there are various ways to tour Mobile this fall. Our amazing art, history, and culture is waiting to be discovered through one of our many city tours or museums

  • Spooks & Haunts
    Mobile has more than 300 years of hauntings that are just waiting to be explored by those brave enough to dare! If you’re looking for a way to celebrate the season, check out our Spooks & Haunts blog for more information!